Consolidation of shipments

Do you order goods from several factories? We will help you reduce transport costs.

Consolidation of shipments into ONE transport means:

  • ONE shipping order,
  • ONE tracking number,
  • ONE customs clearance,
  • ONE company that handles your transport.

Transportation of goods in separate general cargo shipments generates high costs and significantly affects the profitability of imports. Our service makes it possible to purchase a variety of goods from several suppliers and consolidate them into a single general cargo shipment or, more cost-effectively, a container shipment.

This service not only saves you money, but also saves you time, increasing the efficiency of your business.

Consolidating shipments is an alternative to rising manufacturing prices in China and a way to buy smart.

We offer all activities of consolidation of goods in China, in particular:

  • arranging deliveries from individual factories in China to the consolidation site,
  • Renting a warehouse or storing goods at our agency in China,
  • repackaging of goods,
  • assembling or assembling goods into a final product,
  • inspection of ordered goods,
  • arranging transportation and customs clearance,
  • Preparing and completing all documents necessary for the transportation process,
  • Supervising the import process, liaising with manufacturers/suppliers and third-party companies handling transportation, such as a shipping company or customs agency.

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