Many companies lose the right to use their own trademark in China. Register your logo with the People’s Republic of China before someone else does.
Who should register their trademark in China?
A trademark and name should be registered if:
Chinese laws clearly standardize who is entitled to protection from a registered trademark, unfortunately, the rule is different than in Poland or Europe. In China, the right to register a trademark is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, the person who first applies for registration of the logo will be granted the right to use the mark.
We offer a comprehensive trademark and name registration service.
Checking whether the trademark has already been registered
Filing a trademark registration application on behalf of a company or individual
Completion of all procedures and formalities on-site on your behalf
Advice on the selection of a product category
All government fees incurred in China
On-site registration monitoring
Sending you a legal confirmation (certificate) certifying that you are the owner of the trademark when it is issued by the office
Logo registration in China
The protection is effective as soon as an application is filed with the office
Filing a trademark registration application on behalf of a company or individual
Completion of all on-site procedures and formalities on your behalf
Advice on product category selection
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